To see the world in a grain of sand,
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

William Blake

Monday 7 October 2013


These are just some general, self indulgent ramblings about dogs. I seem to have a renewed love for dogs after looking after Jasper and I seemed to keep coming across things about dogs on the internet. I decided to share my thoughts.

I love dogs. Especially small dogs. Little terriers to be precise. Some dogs are working dogs but most dogs do nothing more for us that just love us. They love us unconditionally. I think they are a gift from God.

I have a grand-dog Jasper. He is a little Miniature Foxie. I have just finished looking after him for a month while my daughter and her husband were away. He was great company.

I didn't like dogs when I was younger. I was frightened of them for a long time. When I was 23 a stray dog came to our house and my husband and I took it in and looked after it . That was Sandy and she lived for 15 years. She was some sort of little terrier cross. A very untidy little dog.

After that I loved dogs. Big ones I don't know still scare me a bit, but now I wonder how  haven't always loved them.

Our last dog was Tiny, another terrier cross. He came from the RSPCA. He was 6 months old when he came to us - still a baby. He had a heart murmur but lived until he was 12.

Dogs as therapy

 Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog
could be as soothing to the mind and heart
as deep meditation
and almost as good for the soul as prayer.
~ Dean Koontz ~

Delta Society Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation with one core belief: that the human-animal bond remarkably improves our quality of life and leaves a lasting paw print on our hearts.
According to Delta Society Australia there is a special and indescribable kinship shared between dogs and people of all ages. Attention from a dog can brighten your day, make you feel loved and, as has been scientifically proven, improve your overall health and well-being.

Below are 2 videos about rescued dogs that are up lifting.

This is a bit of a strange quote below. It comes from Matthew 25:40 where Jesus was referring to children. I'm not sure that he meant it to apply to dogs, but I really feel that looking after hurt animals, especially dogs, is a good and noble thing. 

Loving a dog adds to the richness of life.